Chapter 2 __________________________________________________________ Product Overview
VAISALA_______________________________________________________________________ 21
System Configuration
Vaisala AviMet systems are always configured individually for each
airport to meet the local requirements. During system delivery, Vaisala
personnel will define the system parameters and the layout of some
application windows. This is typical especially with end-user applications.
For instance, the content of the weather data screens in the Weather View
application can be configured according to user preferences.
System maintenance applications (the ones documented in this
maintenance manual) are typically not customized.
This manual provides a description of all the maintenance applications and
functions of the system.
Your system might not include all the applications that are available in
AviMet systems. Thus, your system might differ slightly from what is
presented in this manual.
Use of Anti-Virus Software
AviMet software has been designed to be run on closed and secured
Although typically the AviMet software runs on computers that have anti-
virus software running, it is known that anti-virus software can have
functions that significantly consume computer resources. This may affect
the AviMet Software performance and some of the anti-virus software
functionalities cannot be used when AviMet system is in operational use.
System configuration is only allowed by authorized Vaisala personnel.
Unauthorized editing of configuration files (.INI files) can result in data
loss and incorrect operation of the AviMet system. Vaisala assumes no
liability for system errors caused by unauthorized editing of the
configuration files.
To ensure proper functioning of the AviMet software, always consult
Vaisala about using any anti-virus software. When AviMet system is in
operational use, software anti-virus functionalities, especially automatic
updates and blocking, cannot be used.