Maintenance Manual________________________________________________________________
52 __________________________________________________________________ M210886EN-G
The following table describes the typical
System Status
panel columns.
Depending on system configuration, the number of columns may differ.
In duplicated systems, the information is presented for each CDU on
separate rows. You can use the
All objects
button to view the objects from
both CDUs simultaneously.
Table 18
System Status Panel Columns
Column Name
Status of the heartbeat signal received from the CDU:
Blinking green icon = Heartbeat signal is received from the CDU and the CDU
is functioning normally.
Red icon = Heartbeat signal has not been received from the CDU because a
persistent CDU failure has been detected. For example, the CDU has been
turned off or it has crashed, or there is a failure in the connection to the CDU.
Name of the CDU
IP address
IP address of the CDU
Port used for communicating between the CDUs
Server status
Status of the CDU. For explanations, see
Switchover mode
Indicates how the active CDU is switched in duplicated systems, for example,
when the active CDU encounters problems:
Automatic = The system controls automatically which CDU is active. In this
mode, the user can temporarily switch the CDU manually, but the system will
override the selection when needed.
Manual = User selects which CDU is active. When this mode is selected and
the active CDU encounters problems, the system does not automatically
switch over to the properly functioning CDU. It is the user’s responsibility to
monitor the situation.
All objects
Total number or AviMet objects in the CDU. Object browser can be displayed
by clicking the number, for viewing a list of objects and object details. See
List of Objects: Object Browser on page 55
Missing objects
Number of missing AviMet objects in the CDU. The column turns red when
there are missing objects. Object browser can be displayed by clicking the
number, for viewing a list of objects and object details. See section
Objects: Object Browser on page 55
All processes
Total number of AviMet processes in the CDU. A list of processes can be
displayed by clicking the number. See section
Active processes
Number of active AviMet processes in the CDU. A list of processes can be
displayed by clicking the number.
Missing processes
Number of missing AviMet processes in the CDU. A list of processes can be
displayed by clicking the number. The column turns red when there are
missing processes.
All applications
Number of all applications in the CDU. A list of applications can be displayed
by clicking the number. See section