Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged, especially including the section ”Safety information”. This is page 49 of a document consisting of
49 pages. The instructions for use describe only the actual product. If the product is older or newer than the date of writing, it is strictly the users´ responsibility to check carefully
the validity of the document (if in doubt, order appropriate instructions for use). 99 90 34 / 12/09/2003
Disclaimer: Our technical literature is only intended to inform our customer. The validity of general empirical
values and results obtained under test conditions for specific applications depend on a number of factors
beyond our control. It is therefore strictly the users´ responsibility to very carefully check the validity of
application to their specific requirements. No claims arising from the information provided in this literature
will, consequently, be entertained.
-Technology for Vacuum Systems-
2003 VACUUBRAND GMBH + CO KG Printed in Germany 99 90 34
D-97866 Wertheim - P. O. Box 1664
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