© 2018 Utilicor Technologies Inc.
minicor-3 V1.5
Raise Drum, turning the control orbital counter clockwise until the drum
is raised to its maximum height.
Engage Spring Lock
Using the Skid steer lift the minicor-3 off the ground to a safe transport
height and move skid-steer and the coring attachment away from cut
core. Lift the core out using core puller. Relocate the core to safe place
for reinstatement later.
Some cores are
Depending on diameter,
composition and thickness, cores can weigh more than 200 lbs. Small cores
weighting less than 80 lbs. (18” in diameter and under 6” deep) can be
moved by one individual. Cores weighing up to 160 lbs. (18” in diameter
between 6”- 10” deep) can be lifted by two men using a spud bar through the
eye of the core-puller. Heavier cores should be lifted and positioned with the
assistance of a core lifting device. Cores can also be carefully tipped on their
side and rolled to the side of the roadway