© 2018 Utilicor Technologies Inc.
minicor-3 V1.5
Step 2: Coring process
(Follow the
“Tips for a Successful Coring Operation”)
Fill the unit with fresh clean water, through the fill port located on the
back of the unit. The water level indicator (sight tube) is located to the
left of the steering control unit. Add a cap full of dish liquid to help
prevent rust in the tank.
Position the cutter over the area to be cored using the skid-steer
controls. Tilt the Minicor 3 back and lower the back end of the coring
unit first, feathering the back half of the base down until the unit sits on
the pavement apply down pressure so the minicor-3 is firmly seated.
Slowly lower the front of the attachment until it is level to the horizon.
Do not apply too much down force on the coring unit (Just enough to
transfer the weight of the skid steer) Do lift the wheels off the ground,
otherwise the settling of the hydraulics of the skid-steer over time will
result in an altered angle of approach of the core drum, and cause the
coring drum to bind or stick as you cut.
Engage hydraulics on the skid-steer, turn skid-steer throttle to full, and
turn on hydraulic override. Refer to skid-steer operations manual for
details regarding these procedures. This process will allow you, the
operator, to safely dismount while the hydraulics remain engaged to
power the coring process. (If you are not getting flow hydraulic flow to
the minicor, reverse the direction of the flow.)
Unlatch the Spring Lock by pulling up on the red handle