The siren responds by beeping once, indicating it has
entered change volume mode.
To increase the volume by one level, press the siren
button for one second until it beeps. Repeat until the
volume reaches the desired level.
After the highest level, the siren sounds one long
beep, followed by 4 short beeps to signal the silent
level. It then cycles through the levels again.
Using the Energy Saver Feature
Use the Energy Saver feature to keep your house within a
user-designated temperature range. These high and low
temperature points that you set override your normal heat-
ing and air conditioning temperature settings. Doing so
allows you to use more energy-efficient settings when
away from home.
Energy Saver Example
It works like this:
At your touchpad, you set a high temperature point (to
trigger the air conditioner) and a low temperature
point (to trigger the furnace). This needs to be done
only once, but can be changed easily if necessary.
Let’s say that you usually keep the temperature in
your home at 68°F, but since no one will be there dur-
ing the day, you turn the Energy Saver feature on. If
you’ve set the low temperature point to 55°F, the fur-
nace will keep the house heated to 55°.
You’re about to return home and would like the house
to be heated to its normal 68°F when you arrive. If
you have a Phone Interface and Voice Module
installed, you can simply call home and turn the
Energy Saver feature off, giving control back to the
furnace thermostat (68°).
Control your air conditioning temperatures in the same
In addition to controlling temperature, the Energy Saver
feature notifies the central monitoring station if your heat-
ing or air conditioning unit fails—before pipes freeze or
pets are harmed by extreme heat or cold.
Setting the Energy Saver High and Low
Temperature Settings
Initially, you must set the energy saver to the desired high
and low temperatures. This is done only once, unless you
want to change temperature settings.
The high and low settings you enter do not control heating
and cooling systems, but determine the point at which the
furnace or air conditioner is activated.
Temperature settings can range from 45° to 90° Fahren-
To set the Energy Saver temperature range from a
Enter the programming menus by pressing
+ Sys-
tem or Partition Master
Enter the lowest allowable temperature (45–89°F)
before the furnace turns on, and press
. Enter the highest allowable temperature
(46–90°F) before the air conditioner turns on, then
to exit the programming
Turning Energy Saver On and Off
To override your normal heating or air conditioning set-
tings, turn the Energy Saver feature on. When you are
ready to return to your normal temperature control set-
tings, turn Energy Saver off.
To turn Energy Saver on/off from any touchpad:
. Alphanumeric touchpads display,
“ENERGY SAVER IS ON,” for example.
Notification by Pager
Your system can notify up to five different pager phone
numbers to report system events. The installer can pro-
gram any pager to receive pages for one or more of the fol-
lowing groups
H i g h
S e t p o i n t
9 0 °
L o w
S e t p o i n t
4 5 °
I f r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e
r e a c h e s l o w s e t p o i n t ,
f u r n a c e t u r n s o n .
I f r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e
r e a c h e s h i g h s e t p o i n t ,
a i r c o n d i t i o n e r t u r n s o n .