4110-0446, Rev. B
Page 59 of 96
© 2016 UTC Aerospace Systems
Date Printed: 5-Dec-2016
This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
the Figure.
The minimum active trigger pulse width in trigger mode 2 is 8.8
s. However, 30
s is the absolute
minimum recommended integration time, and 200
s is the suggested minimum integration time. There is
no maximum allowable trigger pulse width, but the user should be aware that as the exposure gets longer,
more dark current is integrated by the focal plane array. If the exposure is too long, the focal plane array
may saturate with dark current. The ceiling of the trigger rate for this mode is the maximum frame rate. If
the maximum trigger rate is exceeded, a camera error will be reported as described in the error Section
In trigger mode 3, the external trigger signal gates on and off the internal timing of the exposure and line
rate. That is, whenever the selected trigger input is in an inactive state the camera is paused. Whenever
the selected trigger input is active the camera will operate as though it were free-running. Once an
exposure has been initiated, the camera will finish that particular exposure and readout even though the
trigger might have already transitioned to an inactive state. Therefore, when the trigger transitions to an
inactive state it should be held inactive for a minimum of the exposure period plus the frame readout time.
The delay between this trigger transition and start of exposure is 5 to 6 pixel periods. The timing sequence
of the camera for trigger mode 3 is shown in the Figure.
Figure 16 Timing sequence for trigger mode 2