4110-0446, Rev. B
Page 27 of 96
© 2016 UTC Aerospace Systems
Date Printed: 5-Dec-2016
This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Extra arguments entered on the command line will be ignored, although there is a maximum
character count.
The camera supports several echo modes. The camera can echo the received character back to the
user. Alternatively, the echo mode can be configured so that every character received by the
camera is echoed using a user-specified character, such as an asterisk. Finally, echo can be
disabled, resulting in no output of an echo line. The commands to control the supported echo
modes are discussed in the following sections
The return value line output is command dependent. Some commands, such as query commands,
will have a return value and so this line will be output. Other commands have no return value and
so no return value line will be output.
Upon successful execution of a command, the processed command response line contains the
command and any valid arguments provided. Since extra invalid arguments can be entered on the
command line, the processed command response may differ from the command line input (and
echo line).
Upon unsuccessful execution of a command, the processed command response line contains all
arguments entered on the command line. The processed command response line output can be
suppressed by setting the response mode to “brief”, and can be enabled by setting the response
mode to “verbose”. Note: The processed command and any arguments returned will be separated
by a single space, and will be capitalized regardless of the format in which they were originally
entered on the command line. The commands to control the supported response modes are
discussed in appropriate sections.
Upon successful execution of the command, the command execution outputs the characters:
If the command failed or is invalid, the output is
The command execution result is always output.
After the command execution result is returned, the camera will return the command prompt
character “>.” Reception of the command prompt character by the Host is an indication that the
camera is ready to receive the next command.
Table 7. Line format of camera command return strings
Line Format
Line Description Conditions
Echo Returned
configured with echo enabled. Shown
format is for echo of received characters. May
also be configured for return of user specified
[return value]<CR>
Return Value
Returned if issued command results in a return
Returned if configured for verbose response
RESULT<CR> Command
Always returned.
Always returned.