Manual Giga Connect Box
About this manual
This manual covers the Giga Connect Box. The manufacturer’s model number is on
the label affixed to the Giga Connect Box.
1. Model Number
2. Security Label
What about security?
Having a high-speed, always-on connection to the Internet requires a certain amount
of responsibility to other Internet users — including the need to maintain a reasonably
secure system. While no system is 100% secure, you can use the following tips to
enhance your system's security:
Keep the operating system of your computer updated with the latest security
patches. Run the system update utility at least weekly.
Keep your email program updated with the latest security patches. In addition,
avoid opening email containing attachments, or opening files sent through chat
rooms, whenever possible.
Install a virus checker and keep it updated.
Avoid providing web or file-sharing services over your Giga Connect Box. Besides
certain vulnerability problems, most service providers prohibit running servers on
consumer-level accounts and may suspend your account for violating your terms
of service.
Use the service provider’s mail servers for sending email.