VersaPro Temperature Controller
Page 18
Copyright © 2013, United Process Controls Inc.
All rights to copy, reproduce and transmit are reserved
Output Low
An alarm is generated any time the control percent output drops below the alarm value. The alarm setting
is minimum percent output allowed.
An alarm is generated any time an open input occurs on the T/C input. The input is pull up to a maximum
value if no input is connected or if the input fails in an open circuit mode. The center display will indicate
which of these conditions has caused the alarm. The alarm process will also become active if any of the
listed hardware faults occur. The center display will indicate which of these conditions has caused the
This alarm setting is necessary for the timer function to work. The timer will only run if it is enabled in the
Ctrl Setup menu and a timer setpoint value other than zero has been assigned. This alarm setting allows
the timer to start running when it is activated at the Start Timer parameter in the Setpt key menu, when the
dual key combination Left Arrow and Enter keys are pressed, or if the Input Event has been configured for
Start and a contact closure occurs. The timer will start running as soon as it starts, independent of any
process values. See the Timer section for more details.
This alarm setting is necessary for the timer function to work. The timer will only run if it is enabled in the
Ctrl Setup menu and a timer setpoint value other than zero has been assigned. This alarm setting allows
the timer to be activated from the Start Timer parameter in the Setpt key menu, when the dual key
combination Left Arrow and Enter keys are pressed, or if the Input Event has been configured for Start
and a contact closure occurs. The timer will start running as soon as the process level is above the alarm
value and will continue to run once it has started. See the Timer section for more details.
This alarm setting is necessary for the timer function to work. The timer will only run if it is enabled in the
Ctrl Setup menu and a timer setpoint value other than zero has been assigned. This alarm setting allows
the timer to be activated from the Start Timer parameter in the Setpt key menu, when the dual key
combination Left Arrow and Enter keys are pressed, or if the Input Event has been configured for Start and
a contact closure occurs. The timer will start running as soon as the process level is within the band
around setpoint determined by the alarm value. The timer will stop any time the process falls outside the
band limit. See the Timer section for more details.
7.2 Alarm
Each alarm can be configured to operate in several different modes. Each alarm can be configured as a
reverse (normally closed) contact. This mode is usually used for failsafe alarms that will open during an alarm
condition, fault, or power failure. Each alarm can also be configured as a direct (normally open) contact that
closes when an alarm condition occurs. In both cases the alarm will automatically clear if the alarm condition
is resolved.
Each alarm can also be configured for either reverse or direct latched conditions. In this mode the alarm
contact will remain active until an acknowledgement is received through the event port or by pressing the
ENTER key.