UBI EasyCoder 601 XP – Service Manual Ed. 1
Chapter 17 Troubleshooting
An error message appears in the display window or is returned
via a serial port.
- The printer stops functioning
- The Error LED is usually lit.
• Consult the UBI Fingerprint
7.11 Reference Manual for the
meaning of the different error codes and use that information to
correct the error.
Considering the printer's mode or running program, there are
different ways of giving the error message.
Immediate Mode
• The firmware can detect and return three error conditions,
provided the printhead is lowered and a paper feed is executed.
- Error 1005 (“Out of paper”)
- Error 1027 (“Out of transfer ribbon”)
- Error 1031 (“Next label not found”)
Programming Mode
• At every erroneous instruction the printer transmits an error code
on the selected standard OUT channel (serial communication
only), provided the verbosity is not turned off. The same applies
if programming errors are detected when the program is run.
• When a program is executed, the same errors as in the Immediate
Mode will be returned and the execution stops. Taking care of
this requires some kind of error handler, e.g. ERRHAND.PRG.
UBI Direct Protocol
• Five error conditions can be detected. Note that verbosity is off
in the UBI Direct Protocol by default:
- Error 1005 (“Out of paper”)
- Error 1006 (“No field to print”)
- Error 1022 (“Head lifted”)
- Error 1027 (“Out of transfer ribbon”)
- Error 1031 (“Next label not found”)
The UBI Direct Protocol is provided with an error-handler that
can be designed to work according to the customer's require-
ments. Refer to the UBI Direct Protocol
7.11 Programmer's
Firmware Error
• In case the CPU is unable to access data on a given address, the
internal program will light up the red error LED independently
of any error handling program.
• Strange error messages may be due to electrical disturbances
from external units (printers produced before week 743 only).
- Connect a grounding wire on the power supply unit as
described in Printer Technical Bulletin Issue 42/1997.
17.7 Error Messages