MAN205-0097044ENO Rev. A
Apr. 2014
Page 26 of 28 pages
BacSoft Touch Screen Cycle Error Messages
The following table describes the system error messages and corrective actions.
Corrective Action
Cycle Done
No error
For information only
Canceled By User
User has pushed the stop button
and canceled the cycle
For information only
Door is open
Door has been manually opened
during cycle
Call for service
Analog Input Error
an analog input has been detected
to be out of range
Call for service
I/O Card Failed
Connection with the I/O card has
been lost
Call for service
Power Down
Electric power down while cycle was
Call autoclave Technician
No Water
If water has not been detected
(water level sensor is bigger than
value of system parameter 'Water
Level Detection Value') after X
seconds as defined in cycle
parameter 'Water Time Error'
Not applicable for this
Heat Time Error
If chamber temperature does not
reach X°c as defined in cycle
parameter 'Exhaust Top
Temperature' after X minutes as
defined in cycle parameter 'Heat
Time Error'
Check utilities
Call for service
Vacuum Time Error
If chamber pressure does not reach
X kPa as defined in cycle parameter
'Pulse [A,B,C,D] Low Pressure' after
X minutes as defined in cycle
parameter 'Pressure Time Error'
Check utilities
Call for service
Pressure Time Error
If chamber pressure does not reach
X kPa as defined in cycle parameter
'Pulse [A,B,C,D] High Pressure' after
X minutes as defined in cycle
parameter 'Pressure Time Error'
Check utilities
Call for service
Heat Time Error
If chamber temperature does not
reach X°c as defined in cycle
parameter 'Temperature [1,2] Stay'
after X minutes as defined in cycle
parameter 'Heat Time Error'
Check utilities
Call for service