Before starting the engine
1. Fuel and fuel tank, pump, shut-off kerosene valves , all cables and
turbine engine must be checked for correct.
2. All loose parts in the intake area must be fixed in a way they can never
be sucked in. Loose parts or dirt can damage the turbine engine. We
recommend use of a FOD screen.
3. Have a fire extinguisher (CO2) within reach!
4. Use only Jet A-1 or kerosene or Diesel with a 5% ratio of oil ( fully
Synthetic turbine oil). We recommend “Mobil Jet Oil II “
5. The Fuel system must not be leaking.
6. Start engine must be into the wind.
always keep the turbine with the nozzle facing downwards right before
7. Charge engine battery.
After shutting down the engine
Move jet model with the nose facing the wind. Wait until the cooling down
process is completed, it will take few minutes depending on the outside air
The cooling process after engine shut down. During this process, the
electric power supply of the receiver and the ECU must not be turned off.
Do not touch the turbine during the cool-down because the danger of burning
still exists.
A ll t u b e c o n n e c t io n s m u s t b e in s p e c t e d fo r le a k a g e a ft e r e a c h flig h t . T h e
fuel tanks must be emptied in case of extreme outside air temperatures or
when there is no further operations planned for the day (danger of