Test menus
The Fadec provides several menus to test the starter
motor, glow plug, pump and solenoid valves.
These test screens are only available when the Fadec is on
“Trim Low” status, that is to say, recently powered up and
receiving a STOP signal from the TX.
Pressing the (-) button (under the “ON” reading on the
screen) will energize the selected device and pressing (+)
will shut down.
Special care should be taken when testing the pump, as
it is possible that some fuel be pumped in to the engine,
flooding it, and causing a hot start on next startup
RUN menus:
On these submenus the parameters used for the
engine during normal run can be modified. Note that
some of these menus could not be available in your
unit if your ECU belong to a production engine where
the engine manufacturer have set these values at
factory and restricted to the users to modify them.