Page 11
Step 81:
Cut out the control horn templates
Step 82:
Apply templates to plastic with
Step 83:
Drill holes in control horns where
Step 84:
Cut out control horns
Step 85:
You can score the clearance areas
with a knife and snap out with pliers
heavy duty
shears or tin
snips work
well for this
Step 86:
Select the “bottom” surface and
measure location for elevator horns
Step 87:
Slice the foam as shown for the
horns (cut all the way to the top surface)
Step 88:
Glue horns in place as shown.
Horns should be flush with top surface.
position elevator
horns 1.5” from
center as shown
Note bevel and
clearance notches
should align with
foam bevel
Step 90:
Mark position when satisfied
Step 89:
Insert, center and align the stab to
the fuse edge as shown to insure symmetry
3M77 is easily
removed with
mineral spirits