Page 17
Step 143:
Insert control horns and apply thin
CA and kicker to both sides. (top too).
Step 142:
Make slice into the aileron and
through hinge as shown.
Step 141:
Use control horn to mark location
for installation. Push rod should be straight.
Step 146:
Install clevis then make Z bend in
rudder and elevaor push rod wires.
Step 144:
Make slice and test fit rudder control
horn 3” down from angle cut as shown.
Note shape of
control horn-- the
point at the front
will inset
perfectly with
point of the
aileron at the
hinge line
Note control horn
“bottom” should be
flush with other side
of aileron. Enlarge
slice as needed.
Step 145:
Install rudder control horn as you
did the others.
Elevator and rudder use
2-56 rods and clevises
Clevises go into control
horn end
(z bends give better
clearance at servo end)
Step 148:
Adjust push rods to center controls
as needed.
Step 147:
Make Z bends in aileron push rods
and install.
Use Z bends in 0.039”
wire for aileron
control horn end
Trim extra push rods
after all controls
centered and EZ
connectors adjusted.
Step 149:
Gather parts and tools.
Install Landing Gear
You’ll need :
pen, hobby knife, Dremel tool, ruler,
1/8” fiberglass rods, 1/16” wire, scissors,
white gorilla glue or quick grip, clamps,
wheels, nylon screws
nuts, landing gear struts, sandpaper, pliers,
scrap cardboard, steel bolts, CA kicker,
G10 parts, rubber bands/O-rings
Step 150:
Sand one side of each LG strut as