Page 22
Step 191:
Mount motor to “H” mount with
bolts, washers and loc tite as shown.
Step 192:
Insert motor assembly as shown.
Step 193:
Place mount to back side of rods
Step 198:
Insert zip tie around ESC and/or
BEC wires and tighten as shown
Step 197:
Slice through fuse to poke zip tie
around G10 reinforcements as shown.
Step 196:
Mount secured as shown. Re-
peat for all 4 corners of “H” mount.
Step 195:
Stretch behind “H” mount and
around rod as shown.
Step 194:
Apply rubber bands (or O rings) as
shown. Trim plastic for necessary clearance.
Make 2 slices --
one above, one
Step 199:
Insert another zip tie around ESC
and/or BEC rear wires as shown.
Step 200:
A scrap piece of 1/16” rod will
prevent zip tie from pulling through hole