22.3.1. Using the Memory Card Reader
TTi provides a USB linked memory card reader to allow PSAnalyzer user files to be transferred to and
from a personal computer.
The type of card reader supplied may vary from time to time. It may be a single card type (SD and MMC
cards only) or a multi-card type. A USB extension lead may also be provided for card readers which do
not have their own flexible connection lead.
No driver files should be required for installation under Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP,
Windows 2000, Windows ME, or Mac OS9 or OS10 or later. Plugging the card reader into an unused
USB port (USB 2 or USB 1) should cause the operating system to recognise the device and to load
suitable drivers. This may take some time as more than one driver has to be installed. When installation
is complete, the operating system may request a reboot.
The card reader is seen as a removable disk drive, and the operating system should automatically
allocate it an unused drive letter. The device should be visible under Windows in My Computer.
Transferring Files
Once the installation procedure has been carried out, it will be possible to plug and unplug the card
reader as required with the operating system automatically recognising it and allocating it a drive letter.
With the card inserted, open the “disk drive“ under its allocated drive either from My Computer or from
Explorer. The directory structure of the card will be visible. Trace files are stored in the folder
PSAnalyzer\Tr21aces. Set-up files are stored in the folder PSAnalyzer\Setups. Screen image files are
stored in the folder DCIM\PSAnalyzer. Files can be transferred between the card and the PC by using
the normal drag and drop techniques.
PSAnalyzer Files and Defaults
23.1. Factory Default Settings for PSAnalyzer
As initially supplied, the set-up of the PSA1301 is as follows:
Mode = Centre/Span. Centre = 649.925MHz, Span =1299.85MHz, Step = 1MHz
Attenuator = On (reference level = 0 dBm). Mode = dBm. Level zoom = Off (10dB/div)
Markers = M1 set to On at centre frequency (M2 = Off)
Sweep = Normal (and running). RBW (resolution bandwidth) = 280 kHz
Live Trace = On. Ref. Trace = Off. Resolution (of trace area) = High Res. Video Filter = On
Limit Lines = Off. Audio Filter = On. Audio Volume = 10.
Graticule = On, Averages = 16, Auto Sleep = 30 mins
As initially supplied, the set-up of the PSA2701 is as follows:
Mode = Centre/Span. Centre = 1349.5MHz, Span= 2699MHz, Step = 1MHz
Attenuator = On (reference level = 0 dBm). Mode = dBm. Level zoom = Off (10dB/div)
Markers = M1 set to On at centre frequency (M2 = Off)
Sweep = Normal (and running). RBW (resolution bandwidth) = 280 kHz
Live Trace = On. Ref. Trace = Off. Resolution (of trace area) = High Res. Video Filter = On
Limit Lines = Off. Audio Filter = On. Audio Volume = 10.
Graticule = On, Averages = 16, Auto Sleep = 30 mins
These factory defaults can be reloaded at any time from within the System menu.