Handheld computers such as the Palm T
X are normally operated using the supplied stylus. The
PSAnalyzer application has been written so that use of a stylus is not a requirement, see section 18.2 .
Nevertheless some users may prefer to operate it using a stylus.
The stylus provided with the Palm T
X clips into a slot on its right hand edge. When the T
X is fitted into
the PSA1301/2701, the stylus fits into the same slot but is prevented from sliding as far down as normal
by a stop incorporated within the top cover. This ensures that the stylus remains easily accessible.
If access to the stylus is not required, it can be pushed past the stop. If this is done, however, it
will not be possible to access it without removing the Palm T|X from the PSA1301/2701T.
Memory Card
The PSA1301/2701T is supplied complete with a Flash memory card (type SD or MMC). This card is
necessary for storing and recalling traces, screens and set-ups in PSAnalyzer. A backup of the original
PSAnalyzer program is also stored on the card.
The memory card can be used in many other Palm applications, both as additional memory and as a
convenient way of sharing data with other devices. Note: Palm documentation refers to a memory card
as an expansion card.
PSAnalyzer can be used without any card in place, but storing or recall of traces, screens or set-ups will
not be available.
The memory card can be used as a means of transferring data to and from a PC using the USB card
reader supplied. See section 22.3 for details.
12.1. Removing and Inserting the Card
The card fits into a slot on the top left hand edge of the Palm T|X and is slightly recessed relative to the
top edge of the PSA1301/2701.
To remove the card, press it down and then release it (a confirmation tone may be heard). The card
becomes free and can be slid out. To insert the card, slide it into the slot and press it down firmly until a
click is felt and the confirmation tone is heard.
When a card is inserted, the Applications screen is automatically switched to show the
applications which are on the card. In the case of the card supplied with the PSA1301/2701T this will be
the utility PSAInstaller. To return to the normal Applications screen, select the drop down menu at the
top right and select “All” in place of “Card”.
12.2. Using an Alternative Card
Any SD (secure digital) or MMC (multi media) card that is compatible with the Palm T
X can be used in
place of the one supplied. When PSAnalyzer stores a file it automatically creates the required folder
structure. Multiple cards could be used increase total capacity or to separate files related to different
projects. Note that the maximum card size useable with the Palm T|X is 2GB.
The original card should be retained as it contains an important utility and a backup of the
PSAnalyzer application. This card is labelled with the TTi logo and with the version number of the
supplied PSAnalyzer software.