10.1. RF Signal Input
The signal to be measured is connected via a standard (non reverse) SMA connector mounted at the top
of the instrument. The input impedance is 50 Ohms. The maximum allowable input is +20dBm or
+127dBuV of RF power (approximately 2.2 volts RMS), or 15V DC.
Applying a signal above these levels could damage the unit and such damage would not
be covered by the product warranty.
It should be noted that SMA connectors have a limited mechanical life and that, where frequent
connection and disconnection is expected, a sacrificial intermediate connector should be used.
10.2. DC Power Input
DC power to operate and/or recharge the instrument is connected via a 1.3mm power socket mounted
on the side of the instrument.
Use ONLY the mains adaptor provided by TTi with the unit. Use of any other power source will
void the warranty.
The batteries of the spectrum analyzer unit and of the Palm T
X are automatically charged whenever dc
power is connected.
An LED adjacent to the socket shows that the batteries of the PSA1301/2701 are recharging. When
they are fully charged this LED will go off. The charging state and charge level of the Palm T
X batteries
is shown on the display of the T
X, see section 17.1
10.3. Demodulated Audio Output
Demodulated audio (when in Zero Span Mode) is provided via a 3.5mm stereo jack socket ( marked
mounted at the top of the instrument adjacent to the RF Signal Input. Maximum power output is
32 milliwatts into 32 Ohms with the volume level adjustable from within the application.
The signal is mono but connection can be made using either a mono or stereo plug. In the latter case
the signal will be present on both channels.
10.4. USB ‘through’ Connector
The USB port of the Palm T
X can be accessed via a mini USB connector (mini type B) mounted on the
side of the instrument. A cable is provided to connect this to a standard computer USB port.
Note that the USB interface has no function within the PSAnalyzer application, the cable is supplied in
order that Palm Desktop software can be used with the Palm T
X in situ within the PSA1301/2701T.
The USB cable should be disconnected at the PSA1301/2701T end when using the PSAnalyzer
- Do NOT try to make a USB connection to a PC which has not had the appropriate
software loaded onto it.