Lifting Mechanism:
It may be necessary to lubricate the lifting mechanism on
occasions. If required, use industry approved, heat resistant, food safe grease
on the chain and sprockets. These are accessed by removing the protective
Regularly wipe surfaces with hot water and detergent (use non-abrasive
cleaning aids as necessary). Rinse the washed area with a wet sponge and
clean water and wipe the area dry to prevent streaking. Follow this process
and wash a small area at a time to prevent chemical residue and streaking.
Stainless steel may discolour if overheated. These stains can usually be
removed using an appropriate powder/paste. To scrape off heavy deposits of
grease and oil, use only wood or plastic tools as necessary.
Note: Never use steel wool to clean stainless steel.
Note: Damage may occur if chemicals not suitable for stainless steel are
Note: Use non-abrasive cleaning aids (Brushes/Pads).
Salamander Manual
Page 16
Revision: 13 Sep 07
OPERATOR MANUAL S86 130907.doc