Before running the first calibration, you will need to define the speaker sets. This is handled from the
D-Mon Control Panel
GUI, as
described later in
7.5.2: STUDIO SETUP -> Speaker Sets
. Note that:
Speaker sets are divided into two categories, optimized and non-optimized. Both categories require calibration and,
therefore, should be treated similarly during the calibration process.
To create multiple arrangements using the same loudspeakers, you should add a separate Speaker Set for each
arrangement and then assign the same physical outputs to the shared speakers. For example, to create a stereo pair from
the LR of a 5.1 setup, define two Speaker Sets: Stereo and 5.1; then assign the same physical output to the Stereo front Left
and 5.1 front Left, and repeat for the Right front speaker.
You can create multiple presets for the same Speaker Sets (e.g. to deal with different acoustic arrangements). In this case,
each preset will require its own calibration process.
You cannot perform a calibration without first defining a Speaker Set.
To get the best out of your control room when it comes to acoustics, you should consider the following advice and, if necessary,
apply the changes before continuing:
Be sure to follow the professional recommendations for stereo and surround loudspeaker installation. Standards such as
the ITU-R-775-1, SMPTE 202M and so on, are what the Optimizer algorithms refer to in terms of spatial positioning.
The better the acoustic environment, the finer and more effective the Optimizer tuning. As a minimum, you should consider
the room’s form factor, its construction and materials, adding acoustic panels or modular elements, and the placement of
furniture and equipment. The help of a knowledgeable and experienced acoustician is highly recommended.
You should avoid placing obstacles, such as computer screens, glass surfaces, large empty desks, etc. between the
loudspeakers and the listening position.
However, the listening position should be arranged according to the actual mixing conditions you will be working in. So, if
DAW screens and other devices are required around you, they should be positioned before calibration.
The purpose of the Optimizer is to achieve the best response from your loudspeakers whatever the listening conditions are.
Therefore, the more acceptable they are before calibration, the better the “post calibration” result.
The diagram on the next page shows the recommended positions and angles to apply in a professional recording/mixing room,
according to the various standards used in the Optimizer.