TMCM-035 Manual (V2.09 / February 27
, 2009)
Copyright © 2007-2009, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG
The TMCM-035 is a compact motor driver module for highly dynamic or high torque axis. It can be
combined with the driver-less modules TMCM-100, TMCM-301 or TMCM-302 or with any step / direction
controller. Its small size and low power dissipation, together with the variety of three different
control interfaces, make it an optimum solution for integration on any user board. The board can be
connected to a baseboard or customized electronics with a pin connector. Applications are consumer
and industrial controls, CNC power stages, lab automation, robotics, pick- and place machines
The TMCM-035 drives a two-phase bipolar stepping motor, with a maximum coil current of 5A and a
maximum voltage of 50V. It is based on the TMC239 or TMC249 stepper motor driver chip. The
interface between the control logic and the TMCM-035 module can be either Step / Direction, SPI or an
analogue interface. The maximum motor current can be selected via external inputs. Since the new
Version V2.0 of the board, the module has been extended from maximum 16 to 32 and 64 microsteps.
Driver module for a highly dynamic or high torque axis
Easy integration through three different control interfaces into any user board
Electrical Data
Up to 3.5A RMS coil current (5A peak)
14V to 50V DC motor supply voltage
5V DC logic supply voltage
Supported motors
two-phase bipolar motors with 0.3A to 3.5A coil current
Step / Direction input (TTL/CMOS signal)
Classical analog interface
Up 64 times microstepping, since version 2.0 (prev. versions up to 16)
Motor current settings via internal and / or external resistors
Up to 245kHz microstep frequency
TRINAMIC driver technology: No heat sink required
optional for SPI operation
Standby reduction programmable
“mixed-decay” mode for good microstep performance mode
low EME design for ease of use
68 pin connector carries all signals
RoHS compliant
Size: 80x50mm² (credit card)
Order code
TMCM-035/SG (-option)
1-axis driver 3.5A / 50V with StallGuard
Related products
BB-035, BB-301
horizontal pin connector (standard)
vertical pin connector (on request)
Table 1.1: Order codes