Operator Manual
Doc. No. 101205
Mini-Bank 1500™
1.1.1 ABOUT THE Mini-Bank 1500™
The Tranax Mini-Bank1500™ represents the absolute best value in retail ATMs. The
Mini-Bank 1500™ inherits the unsurpassed reliability and quality of the MB-1000 and
2000. An eye-catching design coupled with numerous enhancements to ensure ADA,
TDES and VISA PIN security compliance, makes the Mini-Bank 1500™ the clear
choice for any retail ATM deployment.
The new Mini-Bank 1500™ has standard features such as voice guidance, encrypted
pin pad and 56K modem. It offers a range of options to custom configure an ATM
solution for any location. No other ATM manufacturer offers the same level of
integrated design and built in flexibility. The Tranax Mini-Bank 1500™ delivers high
quality and high performance at a value price.
UL 291 Business Hour Service Vault featuring reinforced steel bottom.
Dial combination lock
Electronic combination lock (optional)
320 x 240 resolution of back-lit LCD / color display (option)
Dial-up telephone line instead of expensive leased line
1100 new note capacity
2000, 4000 new note capability (optional)
DIP type magnetic card reader
Thermal receipt printer for high speed printing
Modular design for easy maintenance
Cashworks™ Check Cashing (optional)
Electronic journal stores up to 2000 transactions
Supports English, Spanish, French, Korean, Japanese (optional)
Availability for 7 on screen advertisement graphics
Detailed average history report feature
Error code description for easy service