multiSwitch – user manual
© TOPEX 2008 78
The editable fields are:
Name –
name of the route;
Source Class –
name of the source client class;
the incoming call class, check one of the created
classes or enter the keyword "Any –" for any source class
– the prefix associated to that route
Action –
defines the action type; the action can be "
", "
", "
", "
", "
" or
"; any call with the prefix from the "Prefix" field will be redirected to the class with the ID from
the "Dest" field, if the selected option is "DIR";
Destination Class –
final destination for the prefix (the class with that ID represents the destination);
Service Type
– service type associated to that route. It is active only if the "
" option is
selected in the "
" region.
ANI Ignore / Insert –
the digits to be ignored from the caller ID sent through "
Class Dest
" (maximum
20 digits); the "Insert" field is used to add to the caller ID sent through "Class Dest" (maximum 16
DNIS Ignore / Insert–
the number of digits to ignore (skip) from the number sent through "Dest".
There is a list of values, with values from 0 to 20; the "Insert" field allows adding digits to the number
sent through "Class Dest"
Sign 1 - 6
– fields for setting the signaling parameters. The parameters can be configured only when
creating that route.
Max connection time -
the maximum duration allowed for the call;
Search Mode –
the search mode, depending on several parameters. The options available are ASR,
ACD, Priority, Down, Up, Circular, Percent, Fork Answer, Fork Ringing. If there are several
destinations with the same prefix and incoming class, one of the routing algorithms is used.
Play File
– option used for the voice mail service - name of the file to be run
Billing Profile IN / Out
- the billing profile used for that client class. Billing profiles are created in the
Billing – Profiles
Start Time
– the start time of the day, for that route's validity;
End Time
– the end time of the day, for that route's validity;
– days of the week when that route is valid.