multiSwitch – user manual
© TOPEX 2008 156
9.14 Configuring Voice Mail 2 E-mail
The VoiceMail 2 Email service allows voice mail (audio files) to be sent to a e-mail address
specified by the user.
In the SIP User settings from the web interface, you have to check/fill in the following
options/fields (the first two fields enable the voicemail service, the next two enable sending messages
to an e-mail):
Figure 132 – Enabling VoiceMail 2 Email
– enables or disables the voicemail option. This setting is accessible only to the system
– enables or disables the voicemail option in various situations (Offline, Busy,
NoAnswer, Always), this setting is accessible for the user and the system administrator
VoiceMail to Email State
– enables or disables the voicemail2mail service, this setting is accessible
for the user and the system administrator
VoiceMail 2 eMail
– the e-mail address where the voicemail files will be sent, this setting is accessible
for the user and the system administrator
In order for "
" voicemail files to be sent, the configuration file in the multiSwitch must be
Use the Putty utility to create a SSH connection to the equipment IP (default value Use port
, user name
and password
. Direct root access is not
allowed. This will be performed after connecting, using the
command and the password
In the file
configure the IP address of the SMTP server that the smtpmail client
will use to send e-mails and the port through which the SMTP server listens. The two lines to be
configured are:
smtp_server_port 25
After enabling the de voicemail2email service, voicemail messages will be sent from the SIP
subscriber to the selected e-mail. The message is automatically converted to wav format by the central
application, so that any common player can play it (for ex. winamp, windows media player etc.).
After the message is sent to the e-mail address, it is deleted from the equipment HDD. In the
sent e-mail, the date and time when the message was received, as well as the identity of the message
sender, are displayed.