HA0373T Rev Ck May 2017
Chapter 4
Basic Application Example
It is likely that the KPA101 position aligner will be used as a closed loop controller in
a potentially complicated op to-mechanical system. This section illustrates its
deployment in a beam stabilization application, and describes the main steps required
to build a working closed loop system. The example describes the correct settings for
working closed loop operation and can be used as a reference point for more complex
practical applications.
Wiring and Initial Set Up
The following procedure describes a typical set up, with the KPA101 position aligner
cube being used with a pair of KPZ101 piezo driver cubes - see Fig. 4.9 for a typical
system schematic diagram.
1) Perform the mechanical installation as detailed in Section 3.2. of this manual and
also in the manual supplied with the K-Cube Piezo drivers.
2) Connect the X DIFF and Y DIFF terminals on the rear of the position aligner to the
associated EXT IN terminals on the rear of the Piezo Drivers..
Fig. 4.9 Typical Stand Alone Set Up
3) Connect the HV OUT terminals on the rear of the Piezo drivers to the associated
piezo actuators.
4) Connect the laser to the laser driver.
5) Install any mecha nical components such as mirror holders etc. which may be
required in the beam path - see Fig. 4.9 for a typical set up.
Piezo Mount
Mirror Mount
PDQ80A PSD Sensor
Beam Splitter
To Piezo Actuators
To Experiment
Position Aligner
Piezo Controller
Piezo Controller