Thermo Fisher Scientific CryoExtra CE8100 Series
Product Information | 11
Operating Environment
Ambient Temperature and Relative Humidity
CryoExtra cryogenic freezers are designed to be operated in
environments near room temperature (65°F – 80°F,
– 27
) and relative humidity below 50%. Due to the
large gradient between LN
and ambient temperatures, an
additional change of a few degrees will not have a significant
impact on the freezer performance. Although temperature
changes will affect the top temperatures during normal
operation and lid opening to a greater degree, it again will not
be a significant effect. The relative humidity should be
maintained low enough so that condensation does not form
on the Controller. Elevated humidity levels can lead to
excessive condensation and frost on and around the lid. In
situations where the relative humidity is high and
uncontrollable, the lid should be routinely wiped dry to prevent
ice formation. Should significant ice formation develop, that
as necessary. Refer to the
procedures for details.
Atmospheric Pressure
cryogenic freezers are designed to be operated in
environments with atmospheric pressure range of 8.2 psi
(57.2 kPa) to 14.7 psi (101 kPa).
Thermal Load
Since CryoExtra Freezers use LN
as the refrigerant and do
not employ any type of mechanical refrigeration, the thermal
load will be negligible to negative.