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PN AA83865 | Revision A | 25-Oct-2019
Instruction Notice, ARL EQUINOX 5000-5500
4.4.2 Mirror Configuration
1 - Sample holder supplies
2 - Shutter
3 - Mirror housing
4 - Crossed slits
5 - Sample holder (SSRT type)
6 - Safety sensor for service
This configuration is more advanced than the previous one. The optics consists in a multilayer X-
Ray mirror. Two famil
of mirror
are available: Parabolic mirror or Ellipti cal mirror. The first
a parallel beam (almost as parallel as the germanium monochromator), the second a
focused beam (focused on the detector).
The Kα1 and Kα2 separation is unavailable with X-Ray mirror but they produce a very high
flux of X-Ray (around 15 to 20 times more than Germanium monochromator).
The alignment is a bit more complicated than the alignment of a flat monochromator and an
X-Ray mirror is always dedicated to only one X-Ray radiation (Cu, Co, etc.).