Thermo Scientific Barnstead GenPure with xCAD
Ultrapure water system
2. Explanatory notes on the operating instructions
EU Mark of Conformity
CSA - admission
Important operating and/or maintenance instructions! Read the oper-
ating instructions with due care
Risk of electric shock! Electrical work on the system is only to be car-
ried out by qualified personnel.
General information! Particularly important notes are marked with this
information sign.
Protective conductor connection
Connect the power supply to an electrical socket with a protective
The information provided in these operating instructions is only valid for the system which has
the serial number which is to be entered on the front page.
Please enter the serial number* of your GenPure with xCAD
system in the space provided on the front page.
* Read the serial number of your ultra pure water system from the type plate.
For quick and correct service, please include the following information on all inquiries and re-
placement parts orders which relate to your system:
- The serial number
- The article number