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KNX presence detector PlanoCentro A-KNX
The PlanoCentro A-KNX application program
2.1 Selection in the product database
Theben HTS AG
Product family
Physical sensors
Product type
Presence detector
Program name
PlanoCentro A-KNX V1.0
The KNX databases can be found on our website: or
2.2 Parameter pages
General settings, e.g. operating mode, sensitivity
Channel functions
Activation of channels
A channel, light
Settings for the lighting control of A channel light
Constant light control
Settings of light control for A channel light
Disabling function light
Settings for disabling of A channel light
B channel, light
Settings for the lighting control of channel B light. The settings are based on A channel light.
G channel, send brightness value
Settings for the current brightness value via the bus
H channel, presence
Channel for the presence-dependent control of other systems such as heating,
air conditioning
Disabling function presence
Settings for disabling of H channel presence
J channel, presence
Channel for the presence-dependent control of other systems such as heating,
air conditioning
J channel disabling function
Settings for disabling of J channel presence
M channel, room monitoring
Settings for M channel room monitoring
Remote control
Settings for allocation of commands in user remote control
General scenes
Definition of scenes in relation to user remote control
Disabling light channels with external scenes
Definition of external scene numbers, which disable presence detectors
Telegram converter
Settings for telegram converter