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KNX presence detector PlanoCentro A-KNX
2.4.5 Disabling function light
The disabling function light parameter page is always visible.
Parameter name
Disabling light channels
Disabling light outputs means that the presence detector does not send telegrams
via objects 0 to 3 and 7 to 10 although the evaluation of movement and brightness
The following channels are not affected by the disabling of A,B channels light:
H,J channels presence
M channel room monitoring
G channel brightness value
Note: SendoClic can still be used for switching and dimming.
General enabling
All switch-off delay times are set to 0 when enabling. The causes the lighting to
switch off immediately if the room is unoccupied.
The lighting is not switched off if movement is detected with insufficient brightness.
The disabling function of A,B channels light is not available.
with ON telegram Both A,B channels light are simultaneously disabled with an ON telegram to the
disable object. All telegrams are suppressed for the duration of the disabling. The
A,B channels light are enabled via an OFF telegram. After enabling, the detector
sends the current status and continues the constant light control.
with OFF telegram Both light outputs are disabled with OFF telegram and enabled with ON telegram.
Behaviour at
start of disabling
ON telegram
OFF telegram
no telegram
No telegram is sent at the start of the disabling.
An ON telegram is sent at the start of the disabling.
An OFF telegram is sent at the start of the disabling.
The current status is always sent after enabling or an ON telegram with absence
and insufficient brightness in switching mode.
2.4.6 B channel light
Parameter name
Brightness difference to
A channel light
The brightness difference sets the varying light requirements of lighting group B in
comparison to lighting group A.
Application: Two lighting groups are installed in an office with daylight. Lighting
group A is near the window, lighting group B in the interior of the room.
+10 % – +120 % A positive value means that there is less daylight in the area of lighting group B
(more artificial light is required).
synchronous ( 0 % )
Synchronous means both lighting groups are switched or controlled together.
–10 % – –60 % A negative value means that there is more daylight in the area of lighting group B
(less artificial light is required).