John Abdo’s “Ab-Do’s!”
• Always sit upright on the AB Doer 360™ centering your buttocks directly on top of the Dynamic Fluidity
Seat, and placing your back against the massage roller.
• Follow any one of the instructional video routines that compliment your level of fitness. Always pace yourself
even if the talent in the DVD routines (where available) are moving at quicker paces, or motioning through wider
ranges of motions than you are capable. Be patient. Take your time. Learning new skills; especially those that
require coordination, flexibility and balance, requires time and becomes easier with practice.
• To ensure stability, support and balance, securely place your feet flat onto the floor at a shoulders’ width
stance or wider, unless otherwise recommended for certain motions.
• Many components on the AB Doer 360™ offer adjustability:
• The Massage Roller adjusts up and down. For best results, position it approximately between your shoulder
blades, or any position you find most comfortable. You can also change positions on occasion to massage
different portions of your back.
• The Arm Bars are also adjustable up and down along the Core Support Column. Once you’re properly
seated onto the AB Doer 360™, pull the Arm Bars underneath your armpits and secure a firm grip with both
hands onto the Dynamic Grip Handles. Please note the Arm Bars are mobile, as they as designed to rotate
• By firmly holding the Arm Bars underneath your armpits you automatically reduce the pressure, or compression
exerting downward onto your spine. The Arm Bars also support your back and spine unique to Ab-Doers’
patented technology. As the Arm Bars are attached to the Core Support Column, you can motion your body
in forward, backward, side-to-side and even circular patterns. It’s limitless what you can do with your AB Doer
• To begin any session, just move slowly and easily. Feel your body out with the new patterns of motion. Short
slower movements will begin to limber up stiff or unconditioned waistline and back muscles. As you advance
your level of conditioning you will naturally move through wider ranges of motion while increasing the pace and
tempo of your movements. But please note that many AB Doer 360™ motions are performed slowly, controlled
and deliberate, like performing many Pilates or Yoga motions; a perfect mixture of all applications.
• When you fatigue during an AB Doer 360™ session, simply:
o Slow down the speed of each movement, or
o Reduce the range of motion, or
o Transition to another movement, or
o Stop, you’ve had enough – great job. You finished your workout today!
• Always wear comfortable, supportive [non-slip] clothing while exercising. Empty your pockets and remove
any belts or other objects that may interfere with any of the motions or poke your body while bending. Baggy
clothes can bunch and chafe, and can even get in the way of your workout. Make sure you’re also wearing
supportive shoes that have non-slip soles, and that your shoelaces are tied firmly and are not hanging loosely.
• An impressive feature of the AB Doer 360™ is that it offers a terrific aerobic workout. This is because you can
exercise for longer durations. As you fatigue from one movement you simply transition to another. This way you can
keep right on moving to constantly burn more calories and tone your muscles. It’s a remarkably unique combination
of both Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise; referred to as ‘fat-burning’ and ‘muscle toning’ respectfully!