IOM CRUZcontrol® Generation2 for NBC
P/N: 1118211
Revision Date: 05/31/2019
Extension Cables
The following extension cables are available to meet application requirements where longer zone
lengths or skipped zones must be accommodated. Each cable has 4 conductors, with male and female
2X2 connector ends.
Table 10: Extension Cables
Part Number
Extension Cable (39 inches)
Extension Cable (78 inches)
Extension Cable (156 inches)
Discharge Logic Control
Discharge Logic Control refers to using a standard Logic Assembly set to Basic Logic mode to control
the release from the last discharge zone of a length of CRUZcontrol. This is typically done when
CRUZcontrol conveyor (of any kind) feeds non-CRUZcontrol conveyor. There are no air connections
made to the valve section of the Logic Assembly. When used this way, the added Logic Assembly is
known as the Discharge Logic Assembly (DLA).
The Discharge Logic Assembly is mounted on the charge end of the conveyor immediately downstream
of the last (discharge) zone of a length of CRUZcontrol accumulation conveyor. It is connected to the
Logic Assembly of the discharge zone as shown. There is no need for a Function Module to be
attached to it. The DLA does not need to be given a release signal. Product blocking that photoelectric
sensor will stop release from the CRUZcontrol discharge zone, until the photoelectric sensor clears
again. This operation can usually be left enabled and ready to function regardless of whether the
receiving conveyor is running or off. There would be no need to interface the CRUZcontrol operation
with the receiving conveyor operation, since the functioning of it is based solely on product movement.
Figure 11: Discharge Logic Control