Software Start Up
SLAU580B – June 2014 – Revised September 2016
Copyright © 2014–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TSW14J10 FMC-USB Interposer Card
When new TI High Speed Data Converter EVM's or JESD204B interface modes become available that are
not currently supported by the latest release of HSDC Pro GUI, the HSDCProv_xpxx_Patch_setup
executable, available on the TI website under the High Speed Data Converter Pro Software product folder
), will allow the user to add these to the GUI device list. After
the patch has been downloaded, follow the on screen instructions to run the patch. The software will
display the files that will be added. After running the patch, go ahead and open HSDC Pro and the new
parts and modes will appear in the ADC and DAC device drop down selection box. The patch is always
specific to a core GUI version and will not work for a GUI version that the patch was not explicitly created