DLP NIRscan EVM Jumpers
DLPU016C – April 2014 – Revised April 2019
Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
DLP NIRscan Evaluation Module Overview
DLP NIRscan EVM Jumpers
The DLP NIRscan EVM has jumpers and a variable resistor to provide flexible board control options. This
section lists the jumpers on the DLP NIRscan spectro board.
depicts the locations of these
jumpers. These jumpers require a 2-mm jumper, such as Sullins Connector Solutions
Digi-Key part number S3404-ND.
Figure 1-9. DLP NIRscan Jumper Locations
TEC Driver Board
VR1 – This variable resistor sets the maximum current provided to the TEC of the detector. This
current level determines the ambient temperatures at which the detector remains cooled to
approximately –40ºC. The factory establishes this amount of resistance. Do not change the
resitance unless the application requires a different detector or ambient temperature.
Lamp Driver Board
H1 – sets the current to the lamp.
Terminals 1 and 2 = 1 A
Terminals 2 and 3 = 0.75 A (default)
Spectro Board
J1 – Sitara UART0 port. Connect to this port for debug messages and Sitara debug control.
Terminal 1 = GND