Custom Scan Mode
DLPU016C – April 2014 – Revised April 2019
Copyright © 2014–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Operating the DLP NIRscan EVM
Total measurement time
: The length of time needed to run the entire scan across all wavelengths
as entered.
Scan name
: This field allows changing the scan name to reflect something more specific to the
user, that is, like the material being scanned.
In the Custom Scan mode, the user must select actions which have green buttons. Clicking on gray-
colored buttons is ignored. To run the Custom Scan, perform the following tasks:
1. Accept the values in the custom parameter fields or enter custom parameters based on the previous
2. If the user accepts the default parameters, then the
Generate Patterns
button remains gray. If the
user changes the parameters, the
Generate Patterns
button turns green.
3. If the
Generate Patterns
button is green, click this button. When selected, the DLP NIRscan
calculates the new DMD patterns for the user-selected inputs, generates the patterns, applies the
hardware-specific calibration, and saves the patterns in memory for the scan to commence. This step
is complete when the
Set Reference
button turns green and the message
Patterns Generated - Set
New Reference!
message appears.
4. Select the
Set Reference
To measure a liquid sample in a cuvette, first run the reference scan with an empty cuvette in the
sample holder. This allows the absorbance of the cuvette material to be negated when the
absorbance of the material is calculated.
When measuring a solid transmissive material such as a plastic by inserting the plastic into the
sample holder, ensure the sample holder is empty during the reference scan.
5. Insert the sample in the sample holder (with or without cuvette).
6. Click
Perform Scan
. The DLP NIRscan EVM scans the sample, calculates the sample material
absorbance, and displays the absorbance in graphical format on the next screen.
shows an
example of this screen.