9.7.2 Simulation
Select [S�FLW] and set the flow value to be simulated�
Select [S�TMP] and set the temperature value to be simulated�
Select [S�PRS] and set the pressure value to be simulated�
Select [S�Tim] and set the time of the simulation in minutes�
Select [S�On] and set the function:
-On = The simulation starts� The values are simulated for the time
set with [S�Tim]� Cancel by pressing any button�
-OFF = The simulation is not active�
Menu SIM:
10 Operation
The process values to be displayed permanently can be preset (→ 9.6.1 Standard
display)� A standard unit measurement can be defined for the flow rate measure-
ment, the temperature measurement and the pressure measurement (→ 9.6.2 and
→ 9.6.3 and → 9.6.4).
In addition to the preset standard display, the display can be changed by pressing
[▲] or [▼] → 7.1 Process value display (RUN).
11 Error correction
The unit has many self-diagnostic options� It monitors itself automatically during
Warnings and error states are displayed, even when the display is switched off�
The status signals are classified according to NAMUR recommendation NE107�
If several diagnostic events occur simultaneously, only the diagnostic message of
the result with the highest priority is displayed�
If one process value fails, the other process values continue to be available�