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P a g e
To change the administrator login name and password click on the user admin as shown in
Figure 23.
Figure 23.
Selecting account to make changes.
After the selecting admin user the new window will appear for editing user‟s data (Figure 19).
Figure 24.
Editing user‟s data.
The Guest and User accounts may be edited in the same manner as the administrator. By
selecting wanted user the new window will appear allowing to change user‟s data. The administrator can
edit, add or remove users, change their login, e-mail or phone number.
Set the time
Camera has internal engine to count the time. The time may be synchronized with PC to witch
camera is connected or with the external time server (Fig. 19).
Figure 25.
Time settings change window.
To synchronize time with the time server the time server domain or IP address and time zone
must be entered. Synchronization is done automatically. The first synchronization is done after
successful login to the GSM network, then every next 24 hour the time is renewed. Manual
synchronization with time server may be done by pressing Synchronize button.
Pressing Save button updates camera with new settings immediately. These settings are stored
in permanent memory.