SE868Kx-Ax Family Product User Guide
1VV0301201 Rev. 5
Page 42 of 83
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SE868-Ax to SE868Kx-Ax Comparison and Migration
This section contains information relating to migrating from the early production
modules to current production as follows:
MTK3333-based: SE868-A to SE868K3-Ax
MTK3337-based: SE868-AS to SE868K7-Ax
As shown in the following tables, the main differences for the SE868-A and SE868K3-Ax
modules are the addition of SPI pins (which require a custom FW build) and the change
of pin 18 from Reserved to No Connection.
For the SE868-AS and SE868K7-A modules, the main differences are the change from
“No Connection” to “Reserved” for the FORCE_ON and SPI pins that are used on the
SE868K3-Ax. This is to allow a compatible board design for the two modules as long as
FORCE_ON, I2C and SPI are not required.
There are also differences in the firmware (in flash memory for the SE868K3-Ax or ROM
for the SE868K7-Ax).