SE868Kx-Ax Family Product User Guide
1VV0301201 Rev. 5
Page 23 of 83
Not Subject to NDA
Internal LNA (SE868Kx-A/AL modules only)
The current-production modules include a built-in LNA to improve sensitivity.
10 Hz Navigation
The default rate of 1 Hz can be changed by command $PMTK500 to a maximum of 10 Hz.
The SE868-AS and SE868K7-A maximum is 5 Hz.
Enabling the SBAS feature limits the maximum fix rate to 5 Hz.
1PPS is a one pulse per second output signal.
Please refer to Section 1PPS for details.
Serial I/O Ports
Port 0:
All modules include a primary UART serial port.
Port 1:
The secondary port on MT3333-based modules is I
C by default, but can be changed to
UART or SPI via command.
The secondary port on MT3337-based modules is UART and cannot be changed.
Please refer to Section 9.6 Serial I/O Ports for details.