SE868Kx-Ax Family Product User Guide
1VV0301201 Rev. 5
Page 35 of 83
Not Subject to NDA
NMEA Commands List
Note: Please refer to Table 6: Power Management Command
Summary for power management commands.
Command ID
Test. This command will be echoed back to the sender
(for testing the communications link).
Perform a HOT start
Perform a WARM start
Perform a COLD start. However, Time is preserved.
Perform a FULL COLD start - system reset (erasing any stored almanac data)
and then a COLD start
Erase aiding data stored in flash memory
Erase EPO data stored in flash memory
$PMTK251, Baudrate
Set NMEA Baud rate
Disable SBAS feature
Enable SBAS feature
Enable GPS only mode
Enable GLO only mode
Enable GPS and GLO mode
NOTE: Multi-constellation commands are not supported by the MT3337-based modules
Table 16: NMEA Input Commands