Operator’s Manual Simple AFG Application
Calibration and Diagnostic
The calibration button
in the More... menu
opens the Calibration and Diagnostic page.
Below a description of the actions executed by pressing the buttons located in the page:
Warm up
button: touching this button will start the warm up instrument procedure that will
take 30 minutes. The elapsed time is shown. The procedure can be stopped by touching the
Stop button located at the bottom right of the Warm Up page
Calibration button
touching this button will start the self-calibration of the instrument. The logs
of the procedure are displayed in a text box that can be saved at the end of the procedure for
further analysis.
touching this button will start the self-diagnostic of the instrument. The logs
of the procedure are displayed in a text box that can be saved at the end of the procedure for
further analysis.
Load Factory
button: touching this button will load the factory calibration parameters.