Operator’s Manual Simple AFG Application
Frequency [Hz] / Period [s]
This parameter defines the frequency or the period of the generated waveform. This parameter is
available for all the functions except DC Level and Noise.
In sweep run mode it is replaced by the Phase[deg] or Start Freq./Stop Freq. [Hz] parameters.
Rotating the parameter (in the same way as amplitude parameter) the format switches between
Frequency and Period.
Phase [deg]
It controls the initial phase of the waveform. This control is available for all function except DC Level and
Noise Level [V]
Use this setting to add noise to the output signal. The voltage shown in the textbox defines the peak
voltage of the noise level. The range is 0V to 6 Vpk (i.e. 0 to 12Vpp, -HV option). The Noise is hardware
generated using a pseudo random algorithm.
Note: When you set the Noise amplitude, please pay attention that Noise does not exceed the
amplitude of 12 Vpp (-HV option).
Internal Noise
Use this control to enable or disable the noise added to the output signal.
Symmetry [%]
This parameter is defined only for the Ramp function. It represents the percentage of the cycle in which
the ramp function is rising.
Width [s] / Duty Cycle [%]
It defines the duration of the High-level part of the Pulse function. The width is defined as Full Width at
Half Maximum (FWHM) that means the time from the medium of the leading edge to the medium of the
trailing edge. The duty cycle is the percentage value of the width compared to the period.
Rotating the parameter (in the same way as amplitude parameter), you can change the format between
the Width (absolute) and Duty Cycle.
Falling Edge [s]
In the Pulse function, it defines the transition time between Low level and High level for the Rising (or
Leading) Edge and between High level and Low level for the Falling (or Trailing) Edge.