Choose Direction → Up, the generator will sweep from Start frequency to
Stop frequency.
Choose Direction → Down, the generator will sweep from Stop frequency
to Start frequency.
Choose Direction → Up_Down, the generator will sweep from Start
frequency to Stop frequency, then from Stop frequency to Start frequency.
Center Frequency and Frequency Span
Center Frequency = (|Start Fre Stop Frequency|)/2
Frequency Span = Stop Frequency – Start Frequency
Sweep Type
The T3AFG provides ‘Linear’ and ‘Log’ sweep profiles and the default is
Linear Sweep
In linear sweep, the output frequency of the instrument varies linearly in the
way of ‘a number of Hertz per second’. Choose Sweep → Page 1/2 → Type
→ Linear, there is a straight line displayed on the waveform on the screen,
indicating that the output frequency varies linearly.
Figure 2-36 Linear Sweep Interface