Example 6: Generating a Pseudo Random
Binary Sequence
Generate a pseudo-random binary sequence with 50 kbps bit rate, 5 V high
level, 0 V low level, PRBS-7 length, 20 ns Rise/Fall edge by following these
Set the Bit Rate.
1. Press Waveforms → Page 1/2 → PRBS → BitRate/Period to choose
BitRate which will display in a blue color.
2. Input ‘50’ from the keyboard and choose the unit ‘kbps’. The bit rate is set
to 50 kbps.
Set the HighLevel.
1. Press Amplitude/HighLevel and choose the HighLevel which will display in
a blue color.
2. Input ‘5’ from the keyboard and choose the unit ‘V’. The high level is set to
5 V.
Set the LowLevel.
1. Press Offset/LowLevel and choose the LowLevel which will display in a
blue color.
2. Input ‘0’ from the keyboard and choose the unit ‘V’. The low level is set to
0 V.
Set the Length
1. Press Length to choose the Length which will display in a blue color.
2. Input ‘7’ from the keyboard and choose ‘Accept’ in the menu. The Length is
set to PRBS-7.
Set the Rise/Fall Edge.
1. Press Waveforms → Rise/Fall to choose the Rise/Fall which will display in
a blue color.