CombiFlash® R
Installation Guide
2.10 Turn on Power
The system’s power switch is located just below the touch
screen panel. Turn the switch to the ON position. The system
will begin its startup routine which includes self diagnostics.
The system is ready for operation when the PeakTrak screen
is displayed.
2.11 Configure the System
Before operating the system, it should be configured for the
desired operation. To configure the system, open the
Configuration window by selecting Tools>Configuration from
the PeakTrak menu.
The configuration window has two tabs: Instrument
Configuration and Network Configuration. Adjust the
following (sections 2.11.1 through 2.11.9) on the Instrument
Configuration tab for the desired operation and then click OK
to save the settings. Network Configuration settings are
discussed later in Section 4,
Remote Interfaces
2.11.1 Solvents
When you installed the system, up to four solvents were
connected to the back panel. This section of the Configuration
window allows you to manage these solvents. To do so:
The system is shipped with common solvent names already
loaded. If your solvent names are listed in the solvent drop-down
list boxes, skip steps 1 through 3.
1. Click the “Add Solvent” button.
2. Enter the solvent name and click the OK button.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all four solvents.
4. For the Solvent A1 drop-down list box, select the solvent
name connected to the A1 Solvent Inlet Port. Repeat for
Solvents A2, B1, and B2.
5. Select the “Enable solvent level sensing” check box to
enable this feature (recommended). Clear this box to
disable this feature.