933204-00 Rev A
Copy Setups
To copy the setup of one trace to another of the same type (e.g., channel to
channel, math to math), drag-and-drop the source descriptor box onto the
target descriptor box.
Change Source
To change the source of a trace, drag-and-drop the descriptor box of the
desired source onto the target descriptor box. You can also drop it on the
Source field of the target setup dialog.
To change the source of a measurement, drag-and-drop the descriptor box of
the desired source onto the parameter (P
) column of the Measure table. You
can do the same to a query (Q
) on the Pass/Fail readout table.
To copy the setup of a measurement (P
), drag-and-drop the source
column onto the target column of the Measure table. You can do the same
for a query (Q
) on the Pass/Fail readout table.