933204-00 Rev A
Vertical controls adjust traces along the Y axis. Traces represent eight Vertical divisions of the source signal at the selected number of units per division. The
zero level is at the center grid line unless you add positive or negative Offset. The Volts knob also controls the Vertical Scale of zoom, math, and memory traces.
Channel Descriptor Box
From the Front Panel
Turn on/activate
channel trace
and open set up
from zero.
Push to return to
zero Offset.
Push to toggle
between coarse
and fine scale
Vertical (Channel)
Gain Setting
Offset Setting
Pre-Processing Summary List
Vertical Cursor Positions
# Sweeps Averaged / Segment #
ChannelSync Cal
Two manual deskew routines help ensure measurement accuracy. They are
accessed from the ChannelSync Cal dialog that appears immediately behind
the Channel Setup dialog. A wizard will guide you through the process.
• Always run a ChannelSync Cal prior to taking sensitive measurements.
• Run a SystemSkew Cal whenever the components are re-connected. It
need only be done once unless cables/acquisition modules change.
See the
LabMaster Operator’s Manual
for more information about each
ChannelSync Cal dialog with deskew settings applied