Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
Section 2: General operation
707B-901-01 Rev. B / January 2015
IVI shared components
The IVI shared components are a similar concept to the VISA shared components. The IVI
Foundation provides class drivers for:
All the supported instruments (DMM, Scope, Fgen, and so on)
The configuration store
The IVI shared components also create the installation folders and registry keys that all IVI drivers
and support files use for installation.
NI CVI runtime engine
IVI-C drivers that are created using National Instruments (NI
) LabWindows/CVI environment
depend on either the CVI runtime (cvirte.dll), or the instrument support run-time (instrsup.dll), and
must be present on the system for them to run.
NI IVI Compliance Package
The National Instruments (NI
) IVI Compliance Package is a software package that contains IVI
class drivers and support libraries that are needed for the development and use of applications that
leverage IVI instrument interchangeability. The IVI Compliance Package also is based on and is
compliant with the latest version of the instrument programming specifications defined by the IVI
The NI ICP installer installs the IVI shared components, CVI runtime engine, and the instrument
support runtime engine.
Keithley SCPI-based instrument driver
The Keithley SCPI-based Instrument IVI-C Driver is used to support the Keithley Configuration Panel
Wizard and Keithley Communicator functionality. It contains simple functions for opening, configuring,
taking measurements from, and closing the instrument.
Keithley I/O layer
The Keithley I/O Layer (KIOL) is a software package that contains several utilities and drivers. It is
mainly used as a supplement to IVI drivers, or application software like Test Script Builder (TSB).
The KIOL contains:
Runtime-Time Engine
Keithley Configuration Panel
Keithley Communicator
NI-VISA Runtime
is National Instruments (NI
) implementation of the VISA standard. There are two
versions. The full version contains diagnostic and configuration tools such as NI-Spy and NI-MAX and
the binary run-time-only files. The run-time version contains only the binary files (DLLs) that allow the
drivers to operate.
The Keithley I/O Layer (KIOL) contains a licensed version of the NI-VISA runtime.